Sundar Pichai, who has been the CEO of technology giant Google since 2015, shared his opinions on artificial intelligence. Speaking on a television show, Pichai compared artificial intelligence to the most basic tools discovered by humanity.
According to Pichai, artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the deepest issues humanity is currently working on, and it’s more important than finding fire or electricity. In the article in The Verge, Pichai said that he has learned to use fire for the benefit of humanity, and with this he must overcome his own disadvantages. On the other hand, he added that AI can solve the climate change problem or treat cancer.
According to Pichai, artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the deepest issues humanity is currently working on, and it’s more important than finding fire or electricity. In the article in The Verge, Pichai said that he has learned to use fire for the benefit of humanity, and with this he must overcome his own disadvantages. On the other hand, he added that AI can solve the climate change problem or treat cancer.
On the other hand, Pichai stated that people have the right to worry but humanity should still embrace technological innovations. “History shows that the withdrawal countries are not lucky. So you have to adopt change. ”